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Tree Removal Nanaimo, Vancouver Island

Your Most Dangerous Tree is Our Specialty!

That is a mantra that Flex Tree Service lives by. It does ring true in that we often win the jobs with the most dangerous & technical Vancouver Island tree removals, jobs that other companies don’t want to take on. These jobs are our lifeblood. Because of the high skill level of our arborists, we are able to do the worst jobs in less time than our competitors. If you need tree removal Nanaimo Vancouver Island you found the right team for the job!

All trees removed by Flex Tree Service are removed by professional arborists in Nanaimo and Vancouver Island according to our strict safety standards. Most of the branches will be roped down and pieces coming off of the tree remain under our control at all times. We use approved rigging techniques to protect your property. All branches and debris are chipped and then recycled. The wood can be cut into 16″-18″ rounds left on site for your use or removed by us. If you want to know more, you can read more about our tree removal process.

The cost of tree removal varies widely based on several factors. We offer price matching with any other properly licensed tree removal Vancouver Island company so you won’t need to pay more. All you need to do is email us the other company’s estimate and we will match it.

Tree Removal Service Nanaimo
Tree Removal Service Nanaimo

Frequently Asked Tree Removal Questions

How do I know when a tree should be removed? It is difficult for an untrained eye to recognize when a tree must go. We suggest you call for one of our free estimates. But also keep in mind tree service estimators are not always independent and might push to remove because they want the increased revenue. It is best to always get the opinion of an independent consulting arborist if you have any doubt about whether or not the tree could survive. Of course, all of our estimators only give their independent opinion about the true condition of the trees they inspect. Trees are removed for a variety of reasons including but not limited to: failing health, poor location, property development, too much maintenance required, improper pruning in the past, pests, threatening assets below, and much much more.

What should I expect when having my tree removed by Flex Tree Service Nanaimo? The arborists and crew will come within an hour of their scheduled arrival. They will use approved techniques to safely remove your tree. We can leave the wood in 16-18″ rounds for firewood or remove it. All the branches and other debris from the removal of the tree will be chipped and taken away. The crew will return at another time to grind the stump if that is being done. Your stump will be ground 12″ down and the grindings will be left. Any damages need to be reported to the main office ASAP and we will respond with scheduled repairs within 2 days of your call.

What are my options for replanting my tree? If you are planting a street tree, your city will have to approve the type and size of the tree planted, and you will need to get a permit. If you are looking for a tree for your yard, your options are endless. Take a look around you and take note of what you like and dislike about different trees. Armed with that information our arborists can suggest a tree that meets your needs and works in your intended location.

I hate my neighbor’s tree what can I do? Not much. Your best bet is to work with your neighbor to come to a compromise. You could offer to pay half of the costs or get the opinion of an arborist in regard what should be done with the tree. What you should not do is go ahead and prune or remove the tree even if it is on your property. Legal or not (we are not lawyers) this could lead to an expensive legal battle. We can often help neighbors come to a compromise, but as a policy we do not do work where neighbors are in disagreement.

My neighbor’s tree is threatening my property what can I do? If your neighbor’s tree is truly a threat we still recommend you try and work it out with them. There are in this case, a few things you can do to force their hand. One is bring the tree to the attention of the city by submitting an arborist report on the tree. In certain cases they can order it removed. You can also report the tree to their home owners’ insurance company or HOA and that may force them to have it taken care of. But we cannot stress enough, how much better things work out in the end, when you can come to an agreement with your neighbor.